Dr. Songtao Shi from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial research has conduct a study which discovered that baby teeth contain 1-2 dozen valuable stem cell, usable for treating different diseases further in life.
Experts have been studying the effects of stem cells on heart, brain, pancreas and other organs in repairing possible damage from disease. The team of Dr. Shi discovered that adult teeth contain 1 type of stem cell, while baby teeth (from children aged 7 and 8) contain completely different stem cells.
It was discovered that baby teeth can actually save life, just like the baby’s cord blood can. This means that, in case you cannot afford banking your baby’s cord blood for stem cells, or in case you have not thought about this on time, now you can do it by saving your child’s baby teeth.
How does it work? he answer is very simple – you can find the stem cells inside the dental pulp placed in the tooth that recreates into the neurons, cartilage and bone and even the cardiac cells. This process has been proven to be very effective when it comes to treating Type 1 diabetes since the dental pulp stem cells which are placed into the pancreatic-type cells so that a production of insulin was made.
Note: You must take into consideration that the process of preserving stem cells can be quite delicate because the cells must be alive in order to be useful later. A special care is needed to the dental pulp because it should be in an adequate blood supply for 48 hours before it is frozen, because any less time can kill the cells.
According to Doctor Peter Murray, the Director of Dental Regenerative Laboratory, oral and teeth tissue can be regenerated by stem cells from baby teeth, tooth buds, periodontal tissue, third molars, or induced pluripotent cells.
Another useful information is that there are services available for storing baby tooth for a fee and they recommend dentists professionally to remove baby teeth which are not dangling, since if this happens then they do not have much blood supply. Other services provide the parents with packages and shipping supplies that are necessary for storing the baby’s teeth by themselves.
In most of the cases there is a storage container together with a preservation solution necessary for storing the cells in home conditions.
Source: Healthy LifeStyle Live
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